AIConfident School Leaders Cohort - Fridays April '24


Five modules, over five months, to set you up to embrace AI at your school.

Introductory price for first two cohorts: £150

Can’t use online payment? No worries, email and we’ll arrange for an invoice instead

Image credit Rick Payne and team / Better Images of AI / AI is... / CC-BY 4.0 from the wonderful
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Five modules, over five months, to set you up to embrace AI at your school.

Introductory price for first two cohorts: £150

Can’t use online payment? No worries, email and we’ll arrange for an invoice instead

Image credit Rick Payne and team / Better Images of AI / AI is... / CC-BY 4.0 from the wonderful

Five modules, over five months, to set you up to embrace AI at your school.

Introductory price for first two cohorts: £150

Can’t use online payment? No worries, email and we’ll arrange for an invoice instead

Image credit Rick Payne and team / Better Images of AI / AI is... / CC-BY 4.0 from the wonderful


The rapid rise in the availability of generative Artificial Intelligence technologies will profoundly change the external and internal context for education establishments. But responding to change doesn't come through a single workshop or days course. 

We are piloting a modular course for school leaders, combining AI expertise, change management and coaching techniques, to support you as you approach the changing AI context with confidence.  


The content is an evolution of a one-day course that we previously delivered, described by one attendee as 'hands down the best online course I've been on'.  It will help you take a holistic look at the implications of AI for your school and set out plans to respond proactively to the external and internal changes that AI use will bring.

Over the course of 5 x 2hr modules, delivered one each month for 5 months, we'll support you through:

  1. Understanding the implications of AI for your whole school community, identifying the priority changes you want to achieve in your school, as well as who will help you achieve your changes;

  2. Experimenting safely by giving you the tools to run internal training for staff on the safe and responsible use of AI;

  3. Putting in place an AI policy, supporting you with developing and communicating your policy;

  4. Communicating your approach equipping you to lead the conversation on the impacts of artificial intelligence with your staff, students, parents, governors;   

  5. Celebrating, reflecting, changing and moving to the next level helping you to identify the AI uses that are having most impact in your school, and making sure they become commonplace;      


Undertaken in group sizes of 5-10, the sessions will be delivered through our unique blend of deep AI expertise, proven change management processes, and leadership coaching, while also providing the opportunity for peer-to-peer learning.

Each session will include: 

  • a check-in on progress against last month's goals; 

  • AI expert input providing you with the tools that you need to lead for the changes you want to see; 

  • peer-to-peer discussion and goal-setting for the upcoming month.


This is our Feb ’24 Friday Afternoons cohort. Module dates/times are:

  1. Fri 26 Apr - 1300-1500: Understanding the implications of AI  

  2. Fri 17 May - 1300-1500: Experimenting safely

  3. Fri 21 Jun - 1300-1500: Putting in place an AI policy

  4. Fri 12 July - 1300-1500: Communicating your approach

  5. Fri 13 Sept - 1300-1500: Celebrating, reflecting and entering 24/25 with confidence!

Bespoke courses and multiple bookings

Are you at an Academy Trust, and considering whether a cohort specifically for your trust would be possible?

Would you like to book more than one place on one of our existing cohorts (maybe for schools across a Trust, or because you are at an Independent school that has connections with a local State school)?

Get in touch and we can discuss the options available.